Friday, September 24, 2010

Smash Court Tennis Pro Tournament 2

When Smash Court Tennsi Pro came out on PS2 in 2002, it nailed two things with. One being having ridiculously long name and second the ever game on PS2 which reflected the real world tennis. But it could not hold its ground against Sega Sports Tennis, which showed how you should make a real Tennis game. The developers are adding another title to the franchise the Smash Court Tennis Pro Tournament 2 with the little longer also comes some good new features and modifications, with the attempt to try to reclaim the throne.

So does this game really have what it takes to be? Does this game provide hard competition for the other consoles out there? So many questions indeed but unfortunately the answer is no. Although, the game provide a fine tennis experience and has no competition in the market either.

There have been some changes to the game which include an augmentation to the visuals. The experience as a whole graphic wise has been modified. The courts have been made better especially the grassy courts and their worn out areas. But there is one slight thing that has not been altered and it’s the audiences. Another thing is the fluency of the controls and that has been made better, any novice player can get hold of it by practicing few hours.

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